Saturday, 28 September 2019

Google Forms: Import Questions Feature

Hi Everyone!

Its been rolled out a couple of months ago. Have you noticed it? I know many of you have. It is the Import Questions feature in Google Forms!

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I use Google Forms.... A LOTTT!! And I often need to use questions that I have already made in previous forms. I had to retype or copy-paste the questions and options (in MCQ or Checkbox type) every time. It was tedious and annoying.

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But now with the new IMPORT function within Google Forms, I can save a TON of time! 

The process could not be easier!

1. Select the 2nd Option from the Floating Menu on the Right side of your screen.
2. Choose Which Form

3. Checkbox the Questions
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This new update is very useful if you want to pull in a few questions from a previous form, perhaps those where the students had not fared well. Or you simply want them to revisit those questions as they advance on to new topics.

Question Bank

This is my favourite! I create Master Forms for each Unit, where I keep adding questions as they come to me. Earlier, I had to laboriously copy-paste from the Master Form to the Form I administered to my students. Now all I have to do is check all the questions I want from the Master Form in one go! Don't share the the Master Form, but make multiple Forms in different permutations and combinations for your students!
Add your colleagues as collaborators to your Master Form and expand your Question Bank!

Be a SMART Educator

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Monday, 23 September 2019

Rediscovering Flubaroo

Hey Fellow Educators!

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I had first discovered Flubaroo in 2015!! I shared what was then an amazing tool with my colleagues, but discovered soon that it was too limited for the subject that I teach, History and Social Science. I kept trying it for a while, but it didn't win me over...

But recently, I rediscovered it, and boy was I surprised. Pleasantly so, if I may add.

Find out why!

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What is Flubaroo?

Flubaroo is an Add-On for Google Sheets spreadsheets that will automatically grade student responses to formative assessment submitted through a Google Form. You can share the results with students in multiple ways. And as an educator you can view the student data in multiple ways to understand their performance in a given assessment.

What all can you do with Flubaroo?

  1. You can give Digital Badges and Stickers to your students
  2. You can send standardised or individual student feedback.
  3. Set up multiple correct answers
  4. Give partial credits
This is only the beginning!

Ready to Start? 

1. Open the spreadsheet where your Google Forms responses have been saved.
2. In the Menu Bar click on Add-Ons Menu
3. From the drop-down click on Get Add-Ons

4. Select Flubaroo from the list

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5. Install

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6. Give the requisite permissions

7. You are ready to start!

For more detailed tutorials click on the links below:

Be a SMART Educator!

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Sanchita Ghosh

Friday, 20 September 2019

Google Forms and CBSE's Objective Type Questions.

Hello Fellow Educators!

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In the recent months Central Board of Secondary Education, India's premier school education board and assessment authority has brought about some fundamental changes in the design of the Class 10 and 12 Board Exam question paper for all subjects. The biggest of them is 20 marks worth of objective type questions. It is a given that Classes 9 and 11 will follow the same pattern as we try to acclimatise our students to these new assessment methods.

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Today the CBSE released the sample papers for Classes 10 and 12 for all subjects. Find the links below:

  1. Class 10 Sample Question Papers and Marking Scheme
  2. Class 12 Sample Question Papers and Marking Scheme
So how are you planning to provide this practice for your students? 

I know many of you are making worksheets and administering them to your students either as homework or in the classroom. Once you have collected the work from the students, you need to correct the Objective Question Worksheets. 

How long does it take you to go through all the students' worksheets and give them feedback? A minute per worksheet? So 30/40/50 minutes? 

That's just busy work. You are doing mindless, repetitive work. Writing the similar feedback again and again and again. Just take a step back and think how this monotonous and tedious work is adding value to your students' learning or your creativity and most importantly is it giving you the time and scope to enrich and deepen your relationship with your students?

Most likely not. So what do you do? What if you could automate the grading and standard feedback process? 

Work smart, not hard....

Google Forms is your answer. If you set it up as a Quiz, you can...........

1. Different types of questions:

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2. You can preset the Answer Key

3. You can add feedback based on the answers of the students

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Once you set up your form, you can reuse this with multiple sections, across academic sessions, updating as required. Once ready, the students can get instant feedback, within seconds of submitting their work. 

This timely feedback is always more relevant than feedback given the next day or the next week!

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Use you saved time to plan and execute more creative and effective teaching-learning strategies in class!

Be a SMART Educator!

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Sanchita Ghosh